Daniel Athias De Almeida

Research Affiliates

Daniel received a Bachelor's degree in Architecture and Urbanism(FAU/UFRJ) and a Master's degree in Architecture - Graduate Program in Design and Heritage - PPGP-FAU/UFRJ and is currently a PhD student in Architecture (CAPES scholarship) - PROARQ-FAU/UFRJ and Visiting scholar at Columbia University (CAPES scholarship ). He has worked as a Professor of Architecture and Urbanism at Anhanguera University in Niterói-RJ, where he coordinated courses related to final graduation projects, as well as coordinated the college's architecture office. He also worked as a Professor of Architecture and Urbanism at Uniredentor in Paraíba do Sul-RJ. Also worked as coordinator of Cultural Heritage in the city of Magé.

His work in the field of Cultural Heritage in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro focuses on established routes and counter-hegemonic discourses as a way of stitching together a new historical, cultural, and territorial understanding. He currently works as a researcher in the SEL/PROARQ-UFRJ Group and in the Heritopolis Society, an international institutional consortium linked to UN-Habitat.